The Banana Wars 1903

On March 23, 1903, undocumented US troops invaded in Honduras.  Their mission was to “protect the American consulate and the steamship wharf” at Puerto Cortez during a period of revolutionary activity.  During the late 19th century, US multinationals such as the United Fruit Company, later known as Chiquita Brands International, had invested heavily in banana plantations and their supporting infrastructure.  In his book, “Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped The World”, author Peter Chapman wrote that the company was “more powerful than many nation states … a law unto itself and accustomed to regarding the [Central American national] republics as its private fiefdom.”
El 23 de marzo de 1903, tropas estadounidenses indocumentadas invadieron Honduras. Su misión era proteger el consulado estadounidense y el muelle de los vapores de Puerto Cortés durante un período de revolución. A fines del siglo 19, las multinacionales estadounidenses, como la United Fruit Company, habían invertido mucho en las plantaciones de banano y su infraestructura de apoyo. En su libro, “Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped The World”, el autor Peter Chapman escribió que la compañía era “más poderosa que muchos estados nacionales … una ley en sí misma y acostumbrada a considerar a las repúblicas como su feudo privado. “

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