“Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!” 1862

“Damn the torpedoes. Four bells, Captain Drayton, go ahead. Jouett, full speed”, commanded David Glasgow Farragut on April 24, 1862.  He shouted this now famous tweet during the Civil War Battle of Mobile Bay, and the condensed version of his words have become a fixture in American language to connote courage and decisiveness.  (“Drayton” and “Jouett” refer to two men under Farragut’s command.)  Farragut was a Hispanic American and son of a Spanish American Revolutionary War veteran.  Farragut won a great victory for the American Union at this naval battle. The city of Mobile, Alabama, was then the Confederacy’s last major port open on the Gulf of México.  Farragut was the first North American and Latinx officer to earn the ranks of first rear admiral, vice admiral, and admiral in the US Navy.
“Maldita de los torpedos, a toda máquina”, al mando de David Glasgow Farragut el 24 de abril de 1862. Farragut era un hispano estadounidense e hijo de un veterano de la Guerra Revolucionaria Americana españoles. Gritó este tweet ahora famoso durante la batalla de la guerra civil de Mobile Bay. Farragut ganó una gran victoria en esta batalla, Mobile, Alabama, era entonces la Confederación último gran puerto abierto en el Golfo de México. Farragut fue el primer oficial de ganar las filas del primer almirante posterior, vicealmirante y almirante de la Marina de los EE.UU..

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