Nancy Lopez wins The 31st LPGA Championship 1985

On June 2, 1985, Mexican-American Nancy Lopez won the 31st LPGA (Ladies Professional Golf Association) Championship.  Among her stellar accomplishments, Lopez is able to balance work and home life.  In an interview with the New York Times, she stated, “I like being a wife and mother more than I like professional golf.”  Lopez and her husband, former Major League Baseball player Ray Knight, share responsibility for their household.  Knight added in the same interview, “We complement each other.  We help each other with the chores.” Knight occasionally caddies for his wife.
El 2 de junio de 1985, Nancy López ganó el LPGA 31 (Ladies Professional Golf Association) Campeonato. Entre sus logros estelares, López es capaz de equilibrar el trabajo y la vida familiar. En una entrevista con el New York Times, señaló: “Me gusta ser una esposa y madre más que a mí me gusta el golf profesional”. López y su esposo, el ex jugador de Grandes Ligas, Ray Knight, comparten la responsabilidad de su hogar. Knight agregó en la misma entrevista: “Nos complementamos el uno al otro. Nos ayudamos mutuamente con las tareas.” Knight de vez en cuando caddies para su esposa. (Image: Ted Van Pelt, CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons)